We request buyers and sellers to upload information into the portal for several reasons.
• It allows us to track progress and keep all parties informed about the listing’s status. This ensures transparency and keeps all parties informed about the status of the listing.
• By using the portal, buyers and sellers can also earn incentives for reaching specific milestones, which encourages active participation throughout the process.
• Moreover, if buyers or sellers encounter any concerns with their agent, they can easily notify us through the portal, enabling us to promptly assign them a new agent.
• Prior to closing, we will request buyers and sellers to rate their agent, ensuring that we maintain a high standard of service quality.
• All agents are top-rated experience and proven experts in helping you search for your dream home.
• They will assist you in searching for the perfect home, from beginning to end.
• They will help you make an offer, negotiate, and manage the entire transaction process.
• Create a free account
• Get pre-approve through our lending partners
• Get matched with a Yowzzer partner agent within 24 hours